Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Science: Heredity

This book "An Interview with Harry the Tarantula" is used to demonstrate a format for students to use after researching the traits of an animal.  Use the author's craft to help students set up their writing.  Use the graphic organizers below as templates for the activity.

Tiffany's Book Template

Erica's Book Template

Tiffany's Graphic Organizer for Gathering Animal Info

The following template goes with a Explorer Article called "Weird and Wonderful" and a National Geographic Book called "Animal Adaptations".  You can create the same scaffold with many texts on animals.  Click here for the document.

Amazing Technology Resources

Technology Resource Presentation - This is a pdf from a powerpoint I made. It highlights things such as iTunesU,,, as well as many other amazing resources.

More Great Links:
Teacher Blogs and Teacher Created Materials

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Language Arts: Vocabulary


More to come, but here is a template... with the cute bees :-).

Vocabulary Journal Template